Welcome to Our Church


We behold His Glory this morning hour

About Us


As a young naive teenager with a deep love for the Lord our God the founder of Fountain Scroll Ministry experienced visions and dreams that left him perplexed and lost. Bewildered by the meaning of and, not understanding these very unusual occurrences...

Our Mission Statement

The Sword His Word
The purpose His delight
The Offering His Son
The vision His salvation
In Christ Jesus we stand and declare
His Testimony
Grace upon Grace


In early 1992 through clear instruction and prophetic revelation the name “Fountain Scroll Ministry” was birthed. Through the years the founder steadfastly continued his task of ministering to God’s church at his business office for fourteen years...

Our Team






Daily Messages

A special thank you to everyone who attended on 24/7 our first Sunday Church Service. It was a very important milestone for us. We give our Lord, Christ Jesus, all the Glory.

Posted by Fountain Scroll Ministry on Monday, July 25, 2016

Contact Us

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Find Us

Physical Address
317 Tram Str
Pretoria, 0181

Postal Address
P.O. Box 12583
Onderstepoort, 0110

P: 081 459 2791
E: info@fountainscrollministry.org.za

H: Sundays: 09:30AM to 11:30AM

Copyright © Fountain Scroll Ministry 2016